Did you know that you’ve got all kinds of sexy goodies at your fingertips? All you need to spice up your sex life is as close as your kitchen and these fun sex tips are going to show you how to use them so you can get your pleasure on.

Sweet and Gooey Fun
You can use anything sweet and gooey in your fridge or pantry to make sex yummier than ever. Things like chocolate syrup, whipped cream, maple syrup, and even jam and even Nutella can make licking any body part a whole lot more fun! Just squeeze or slather it on any of your partner’s naughty bits and get licking! Kitchen sex tips bonus for her: Spray on a whipped cream bikini and surprise your guy with it for a sweet treat that he’ll really wanna sink his teeth into! Kitchen sex tips bonus for him: Playfully adding one of these items to your member is a great way to sweeten her up to the idea of a blowjob!
Coconut Oil Massage
What’s sexier than a massage? One performed using sweet and slippery oil! Though olive oil will do the trick and is totally body-safe; the smell of coconut is intoxicating and just downright sexy. Coconut oil is also somewhat solid, almost like body butter, so it’s less messy than other oils. Coconut oil doesn’t stain sheets and leaves your skin feeling incredible when you’re done! Warning: Many sex tips suggest coconut oil as a lubricant for sex. While this may work for those in a monogamous relationship who don’t use condoms, it’s not actually condom-safe.
Popsicles and Ice Cubes
While inserting either of these is not recommended no matter what freaky sex tips for men you read; both can be a real treat for the senses when you tease different parts of the body with them. Along with trailing a Popsicle or ice cube over the usual naughty bits, you can also run them over the skin of the neck, back, stomach, and inner thighs to drive him or her wild.
These are just 3 of the many sex tips from the kitchen that you can heat things up with. They’re easy enough for any couple or girls seeking sex to enjoy and you can probably get to enjoying them right away! If you’re feeling a little more adventurous, use parsley bunches or celery stalks as whips and ticklers. Want more? How about filling a small inflatable poor with Jello or pouring oil over a rubber or latex sheet for some slippery fun? Just stand in your kitchen and open up your mind to the many possibilities. Chances are you’ll come up with some fun sex tips of your own!