It’s tough impressing a girl when you’re in high school – especially if you’re not sixteen or you don’t have a car yet. On a limited budget you’re not going to be flying her away on your chartered jet, but there are still loads of romantic, exciting things you can do on a limited budget. Here are some staples, and some you might not have thought of.

1) The Coffee Date
The Coffee Date is a standard because it works, it’s cheap, and it normally doesn’t last more than a couple of hours. It probably won’t get you laid, but if you’re supposed to see your girl and you have no cash, this is a pretty good one.
2) The Romantic Walk
There’s always a pretty garden, a nice beach or a gentle forest walk somewhere around where you live. Hop on a bus and go explore somewhere new together. It shouldn’t cost you more than a few dollars.
3) The Dinner Party
If your parents are a pain, offer to go over and cook for her. Alternatively, organise to cook dinner for yourself and another couple – that tends to get parents out of the way. You decide what to cook, and how much it’ll cost you.
4) The Museum
Not everybody’s cup of tea, but most museums and art galleries have days that are free, or have student discounts. Go for a wander around the gallery and then grab ice cream later. Max spend $10.
5) The Bike Ride
If you live near a wooded area, and have access to two mountain bikes, ask someone who knows the area where some good trails for a scenic ride can be found. Be careful to tell people where you’re going, and carry enough water.
6) The Tandem Bike Ride
Not for the unadventurous, but tandem bikes can usually be hired for a couple of dollars an hour. They’re great fun for riding around in a village or just off the beaten path.
7) The Crafts Market
There’s a farmer’s market or craft market somewhere near you, and you should go to it. They’re normally within easy reach of public transport, and you generally won’t have to pay for more than an ice cream and a soda.
8 ) The Boat Ride
If there’s a river, lake, or any other body of water near you, you can bet that someone makes a living taking people for rides on it. See if there’s a cheap operator, or if someone you know has a rowboat you can borrow. Take a picnic.
9) The Canoe Expedition
It’s usually very inexpensive to hire canoes, so if you and your girlfriend are outdoorsy types, this can be a great way to spend the afternoon.
10) The Picnic
Throwing together some sandwiches, potato chips and soda doesn’t cost much, so grab a blanket and head to the nearest lake or botanical gardens for an afternoon in the sun.
11) The Beach Mission
Find a beach with lots of boulders to walk over, and go for a long walk around the coves and bays of a pretty beach nearby. Remember to put sunscreen on your feet. Seriously.
12) The House Party
Sooner or later one of your friends is going to throw a party. If you sniff around a bit you can probably find one happening this weekend. Bring your own refreshments and it’s a date for less than $10, but don’t do this to a girl who doesn’t know any of your friends.
13) The Connection
Somewhere, somebody you know knows a guy who knows a guy whose dad knows somebody who a restaurant. Use your connections to take her out for the kind of meal you normally can’t afford.
14) The Tennis/Squash Match
If your girl isn’t sporty, don’t drag her onto a tennis court. But if you have the equipment already you can usually play at a local court for a few dollars.
15) Concert in the Park
In most large cities there is often some kind of summer music series that happens in parks on the weekend. Often these are free or very cheap – just bring a picnic blanket and some food and you’ve got a cheap night out.