10 Sex Positions You Should Try At least Once

10 Sex Positions You Should Try At least Once

Adults who are sexually active are always looking to try out new positions to keep their sex life exciting and interesting. There will be quite a few trial and errors when it comes to trying out new positions, because some will work and others will just be uncomfortable or someone gets hurt. Lets be honest, sex isn’t supposed to be painful nor dangerous. These moves are meant for both the man and woman to be completely satisfied with every sexual experience they have. They are also meant to allow you to reach orgasm in a shorter period of time.

10 Sex Positions You Should Try At least Once

Position Number One: Chair Straddling

This position is perfect for those women who want to take charge when it comes to sex. All this position requires is for the man to sit down on a chair and for the woman to get on top facing him. She then straddles her legs towards the back of the chair and then lowers herself onto all of his glory. The woman controls the speed and intensity by bouncing up and down on the man’s pride and joy.

Position Number Two: Make It Bounce

This position is tons of fun for both the man and woman who participate in this position. The man has to lie down on his back with his knees bent and legs spread apart. The woman then has to get on top facing him, with her legs on either side of his body. She needs to keep her legs bent as well and her hand towards the back by his legs. All she has to do now is make her body bounce up and down.

Position Number Three: Spooning

This position is sweet, sensual and passionate for both the man and woman. They both lay on their sides and the man takes the woman from the back. Their bodies are completely touching one another and they are both facing towards the same direction. The woman should be pushing her butt towards the guy and this will help him enter the woman’s juice box much easier. Most women extend their arm back just to touch the guy’s side or thigh and allow him to thrust inside her gently.

Position Number Four: Be Easy

This position is all about letting a guy be in control. All the woman has to do is bend over on the bed, couch, kitchen counter, dining table or washer machine. The point of this position is for the sex to be fast, hard and passionate. During this position usually the woman doesn’t have to do a thing, but stand there and enjoy every minute of it.

Position Number Five: Show Me Your Strength

This position is all about the strength of a man and his ability to pleasure a woman while he is holding her up in the air. There are several different ways this position can be done and here they are as follows, he can stand up and press her up against a wall or solid vertical surface, he can stand up and hold her up in the air without any support, and lastly he can stand up with his back facing the bed and the woman can use the edge of the bed for support.

Position Number Six: Getting Dirty While Getting Clean

This position is perfect for those who want to explore a bit of sexual fun in the water. The bathtub has to be filled with warm water and the man has to sit down in the tub. The woman then slides herself on top of him, but she has to face the faucet instead of him. Once the woman is in this position she can bounce up on down on the man’s private or she can sit still while the guy thrusts inside of her from the bottom. If the woman is feeling extra freaky she can sit close to the faucet to allow the warm water to hit her clit. If there is a detachable shower head than that would work even better.

Position Number Seven: Downward Dog

This position requires that the woman to be somewhat flexible, because sooner rather than later she will be bending forward. Both the man and woman will start off by standing and then women will make her way slowly to towards the floor to place her palms facing down on the floor. If the woman isn’t as flexible, then she should bend her enough to get into a comfortable position. At this point the man will need to hold onto her hips for support before thrusting inside of her.

Position Number Eight: Floating On The Edge

This position can be done on any surface that has an edge on it and where it allows the woman to lay down and for the man can stand up right in front of her. The types of edges that could be used are of a bed, desk, kitchen counter, or even a pool. The woman needs to lie down and have her butt hanging over the edge, then the man will then lift her legs up and place them on his shoulders or his side for her to hold too while he is entering her.

Position Number Nine: Stair Loving

This position as to be done at the bottom of the stairs and not at the top and the reason for that is because it would end up bad if the man or the woman had lost their balance and tumbled down the stairs. The man will position himself at the bottom of the stairs while the woman is on the stair just one up from him, and for this position both the man and woman will be facing the stairs not one another. The woman should hold onto the stairs and the man will be holding onto her hips while he is penetrating her.

Position Number Ten: Sideways Scissor

This position requires the man and woman to both be on their sides, but directly below one another on a flat surface, such as the bed or floor. They both need to have one leg lift up and then they need to slide into one another into their private parts touch. At this point their one leg needs to still be lifted up and they can start grinding each other by moving their lower body region.

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