10 Dumbest Things Every Guy Do To Attract Girls

10 Dumbest Things Every Guy Do To Attract Girls

School is in session, class. Today we are going to try and learn how to distinguish the difference between a good-hearted “loser,” and a real, down-right, “dumb” guy. Believe me. There are differences. Good-hearted “losers” never harm anyone, but maybe themselves when they are laughed-to-scorn at the foolish things they say and do. Actually, and Read more about 10 Dumbest Things Every Guy Do To Attract Girls[…]

Ten Ideas for Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Parties or Hen Party

Ten Ideas for Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Parties or Hen Party

Nowadays, it has become customary for the bridesmaids to throw an unforgettable party for the bride-to-be. There has always been a bachelors party for the groom, but today – bachelorette’s parties are becoming a lot more entertaining, extravagant or daring as bridesmaids are thinking outside of the box, and using more resources and tricks in order to Read more about Ten Ideas for Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Parties or Hen Party[…]

The Perfect Relationship and Why it Doesn't Exist

The Perfect Relationship and Why it Doesn’t Exist

I know so many men and women today who are searching – some tirelessly – for the woman or man of their dreams, their perfect, wonderful, exact other half. Each person knows what they’re searching for, but is it realistic? Is that perfect half out there somewhere? I know I’d like to think it is. Read more about The Perfect Relationship and Why it Doesn’t Exist[…]

Nine signs you are likely to have an affair

Nine signs you are likely to have an affair

Adultery is one of the most common causes of divorce. Many of these cases could be avoided if either spouse could recognize the signs and symptoms that accompany a future adulterous relationship. 1. Spend excess time away from spouse Marriage bonds are strengthened when a couple spends quality time together. However, the opposite is also Read more about Nine signs you are likely to have an affair[…]

What EVERY Woman Wants and 9 Ways to Start Giving It To Her Right Now

What EVERY Woman Wants and 9 Ways to Start Giving It To Her Right Now

What men really want to know…. I recently started a new blog called “WomanSpeak”, that I thought to start up as a humorous but truthful educational source for men who are looking to understand women better. We women have our own unique language that shifts and changes and dances, and all of our awesomeness can Read more about What EVERY Woman Wants and 9 Ways to Start Giving It To Her Right Now[…]